AGi32: Possible to calculate PPFD other than on default calculation grid?

I’m a new AGi32 user, using AGi32 for horticultural applications. I’ve been producing PPFD calculations and isolines using the default calculation grid that gets created with a room. I’d like to be able to calculate PPFD on more complicated grids, such as just part of a room. I can create custom calculation grids but they seem to only be able to calculate lumens. I can’t seem to find a way to tell AGi32 to calculate PPFD on the “new” grid. Have I just not seen it or is that not a feature that AGi32 supports?

(I’m using version

Possibly? If it’s in a big grow space with minimal wall reflection, you could fat finger in the ‘lumens’ with your ppfd value.

If you’re doing a smaller space with lots of wall reflection, you could run into trouble if the surface reflectance isn’t high in your ppf spectra, ya know?By default, AGi32 assumes uniform reflectance and lambertian surfaces.

You could avoid it entirely but turning off full radiosity modeling and only model direct flux

Thanks very much! In this particular case I’m modeling a greenhouse so wall reflection is low already. But that won’t always be the case.

Ellery said:

Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density. It’s a measure used in horticultural lighting. (Lux for plants, you might say.)

Vero said:

Ellery said:

Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density. It’s a measure used in horticultural lighting. (Lux for plants, you might say.)

Today I learned!